May 3, 2024

Can a Lawyer Help You File Your Initial Claim for Benefits?

[mc id=”111″ type=”audio”]SSD Radio podcast with Jonathan Ginsberg[/mc]

In my disability practice I regularly get calls and emails from potential clients who have not yet filed an application for benefits.   Is there anything that a disability lawyer can do for you when you first apply?  Is there any reason to wait to apply?  In this episode I try to answer these questions.

Here is the email that prompted me to address this topic:

Dear Jonathan:  I have been putting off filing a disability claim because I keep thinking that I will be able to go back to work.  I am a 48 year old woman, my career is as an executive assistant.  I have not been able to hold a full-time job since 2002.  I have been living with anxiety and panic disorder, in varying degrees,  for most of my life, in addition to depression.  I would like to file a strong initial claim and hope that I am not denied.   I have been researching for a lawyer to represent me.  I don’t want to work with a large firm.  Your website has been the most informative that I have found.   Are you able to help me file the initial claim?

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